Hey Guess what! Im leaving tomorrow!!
We eat breakfast at 4:45 and leave at 5:15!
I chose a scripture for my plaque thing. I had a really awesome experience choosing it. I was reading through my Book of Mormon in the Missionary chapters of the end of Mosiah and the first half of Alma. I found a couple that caught my eye, one of them was Alma 26:12. I read it and loved it and saw some footnotes and thought I would check them out. I then bounced over to Alma Chapter 29 verse 9 which is a little similar. Then I noticed that it was the famous "Oh that I were an angel Chapter." I read it from the top and instantly felt my whole soul burn. It was powerfull, a feeling that I have only gotten a few times while reading the Book of Mormon. The same way I felt when I first received my witness of its truthfulness. So I want to choose verses 1,2, and 9 of Alma 29.
They might be a little long so here is what I would like to fit on there if we could:
1. "Oh that I were an angel, and could have the wish of my heart that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the Earth.
2. Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, that they should come unto our God.
9. And this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentence; and this is my joy."
Already this scripture has changed my mission. Just this Saturday we were walking and we walked passed a woman and her 2 kids on the street who seemed to be a little busy, she was on the phone and her kids were being a little crazy. I instantly remembered the words of that scripture and imagined my face on a plaque next to them. I thought of what Alma would do. I thought of how if that scripture was next to my name I better live up to it. So I told Elder Hales, "We need to turn around and talk to her" and we did.
I can´t wait to do this everyday. I can´t wait to get up in Sacrament meeting in my new ward and make a complete awesome fool of myself but bear powerful testimony to that ward, for I already love them, I already have a burning love and testimony to share. I can see them in the pews, playing the pianos, the kids singing in the primary room. I am so blessed to have this opportunity, and I pray that I can be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy. The greatest joy I have ever felt.
-Elder Kellis
ps. Pday should be Monday from now on. Not quite sure.
Love you all so much. Thanks for your prayers, especially this week!